
Refund Policy

Nature of Product

Presently we are providing eBooks in pdf or other lectronic formats and there is no product to be sold in physical format. Other than eBooks, we are providing or likely to provide Online Tests for the competitive examinations, and other e-learning modules.

Process flow to purchase

STEP-I You can purchase only listed products. If a product is available for purchase "Buy Now" with Price Tag Button will be displayed. You must logged in as a registered user to purchase an item.

STEP-II : On clicking the Buy Now button, you will be refirected to Product Display page where you have to confirm the purchase. If you are not logged in or not registered, apllication will redirect to Login page before proceeding further.

STEP-III: After Confirming for the payment at the product page, yuo will be redirected to the Payment Gateway where you will find various payment options.

STEP-IV : AT the payment gateway webpage, you have to pay the price of product whereafter you will be redirected back to our Gateway Response Page showing status of transaction. If transasction is successful, you will automatically get enabled to download our product or use our services. In case of payment failure you will be intimated on the response page. Emails on successful/failed payments will also be sent to your registered email ID.

Return/Refund and Cancellation Policy

SHIPPING & RETURN : As we do not deliver physical products there is no issue of shipping or return.

Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. In the event, if you are displeased with the services provided, we will refund back the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase.

In case of dissatisfaction from our services, clients have the liberty to cancel their projects and request a refund from us. Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:

Cancellation Policy

If a product is purchased and downloaded or service utilised, there is no scope of further cancellation. However, in case you purchased item by a mistake and you have not downloaded product or utilised services, you may send a Cancellation Request within 24 hours of the purchase.

Refund Policy Refunds in case of any duplicate payments due to any reason will be considered automatically and processed within 2-3 working days. In case of of non-rendering of services like irrepairable breakdown of website, or because of any other faults from our side, refund will be considered and refund will be initated upon receiving request within 24 hours of the service failure.

If paid by credit card, refunds will be issued to the original credit card provided at the time of purchase and in case of payment gateway name payments refund will be made to the same account.